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Hvis antallet af ønskede aktier er større end antallet af disponible aktier (6.5 mio. aktier) sker der en reduktion.
A reduction would be made if the total number of shares requested is greater than the number of shares available (6.5 million shares).

Hvordan fungerer reduktion?

Hvis der anmodes om flere aktier end antallet af disponible aktier, reduceres antallet på anmodningerne, så du måske ikke får det antal, du har ønsket.

Det sker på følgende måde:

1) Antallet af udbudte aktier divideres med antallet af personer, der ønsker at tegne aktier. Dette giver gennemsnittet.

2) De aktieanmodninger, som ligger under gennemsnittet, honoreres fuldt ud.

3) De aktieanmodninger, som ligger over gennemsnittet, reduceres med en fast procentsats, så det samlede antal aktier ikke overstiger 6.5 mio. aktier.

How does the reduction work?

If the total number of shares requested for the 2024 PEG subscription process is greater than the number of available shares, requests will be reduced, and you may not be able to receive the amount that you had requested.

Reduction of requests for subscriptions to Fund shares will proceed as follows:

 1) The total number of shares offered will be divided by the total number of Fund subscribers to determine the “non-reducible average subscription”.

2) The part of a request for subscription to Fund shares that is less than or equal to the “non-reducible average subscription” will be honoured in full.

3) The part of a request for subscription to Fund shares that is greater than the “non-reducible average subscription” will be reduced by a single coefficient in such a manner that the total of all requests for subscriptions to Fund shares does not exceed the total number of shares offered.

Hvad sker der med løntrækket?

Hvis antallet af ”dine” aktier reduceres, reduceres dit løntræk selvfølgelig også.

What happens if my subscription request is reduced with the pay by salary?

The amount of the payment by salary will be reduced accordingly.


Hvordan ser jeg det samlede beløb efter en reduktion?

Det reducerede beløb efter en reduktion kan ses på online tegningsmodulet, hvor det er muligt at downloade en kvittering.

In case of reduction, how do I know the final amount of my subscription?

The reduced amount after calculation is available on the subscription website and the subscription summary will be downloadable.

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