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Follow daily from February 12 to March 08, 2024 the evolution of the Saint-Gobain stock for determining the subscription price.

Ikuti setiap hari mulai 12 Februari hingga 08 Maret 2024 perkembangan saham Saint-Gobain untuk menentukan harga berlangganan.

A) 20 opening share prices - 20 pembukaan harga saham
B) Opening share prices - pembukaanharga saham
C) Reference price (at the date of last opening share price displayed) = opening share prices average (price before discount) - Harga acuan 
D) Days of the reference period - periode hari-hari referensi 

Graph illustrating the 20 daily readings of the Saint-Gobain share price making it possible to establish the reference price thus determining the subscription price for the PEG 2024 offer.<br><br>Grafik yang mengilustrasikan 20 pembacaan harian harga saham Saint-Gobain, memungkinkan untuk menetapkan harga referensi sehingga menentukan harga berlangganan penawaran PEG 2024.
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