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Saint-Gobain PEG is a savings plan for current and former employees (in compliance with local legislation). It includes an employee shareholder operation to enable you to become a shareholder of Saint-Gobain, either directly or indirectly depending on local legislation, at preferential conditions, notably thanks to a discount (20% in 2024) on the share price. Saint-Gobain has proposed this operation every year since 1988. Saint-Gobain PEGは、在籍者及び退職者(ローカルの法律に従う)のためのものです。ローカルの法律に基づき優遇された条件(2024年は20%割引)で、直接的若しくは間接的にサンゴバンの株主になれる制度です。1988年から継続されています。

Preferential subscription price 優遇された申込価格です。

For the “Classic” offer subscription, Saint-Gobain employees get a discount (20% in 2024), i.e. a 20% reduction on the reference price of the Saint-Gobain share. クラッシックプランの場合、2024年は参考価格の20%割引となります。

A contribution from your employer. 雇用主のコントリビューションです(Not applicable in Japan in 2024. 2024年は日本では適用外です。)。

The employer’s contribution is a payment made by your company in addition to your own payment. ご自身の支払いに雇用主による支払いが追加されます(Not applicable in Japan in 2024. 2024年は日本では適用外です。)

Possible dividends, determined every year at the General Meeting. 株主総会で決議された配当を受け取れます。

Saint-Gobain pays management costs サンゴバンが管理費用を負担します。

Saint-Gobain pays all financial and administrative costs of investments made by subscribers. You only pay commission of [0.084%] on any reimbursements when you release all or some of your assets. 償還する際の|0.084%]のコミッションはかかります。

The funds invested will not be available until the end of a lock-in period. The lock-in period is 5 years. However, there are cases of so-called early redemption, subject to certain circumstances enumerated exhaustively by regulations, that permit the release of your assets before the end of the lock-in period. The list of these early redemption cases is provided in the legal documents concerning the PEG in your country. 5年間の凍結期間があります。早期償還の例外は関連書類を確認して下さい。

Shares are subscribed at a discount (20% in 2024) compared with the reference price of the Saint-Gobain share. 2024年は参考価格の20%割引となります。

The reference price is determined according to French legislation on savings plans and corresponds to the average of the 20 stock market prices (opening prices) preceding the date of setting the price. フランスの法律や価格が設定される日の20の市場価格の平均値に基づき決定されます。

You subscribe in your local currency, based on the Euro exchange rate set a few days before the subscription price is set. 申込単価のが決定される数日前のユーロの為替レートに基づき、各国の通貨にて申し込むことになります。

However, since the Saint-Gobain share is quoted on the Paris stock market, your investment will be in Euro. At maturity, the exchange rate may therefore have either a positive or a negative effect on your investment. パリ株式市場を値を付けますので、ユーロでの投資となります。そのため為替変動による影響を受けます。

Thus, if the value of the Euro has increased with respect to your currency, the value of your investment in your currency will increase. However, if the value of the Euro has decreased with respect to your currency, the value of your investment in your currency will decrease, and you will suffer a capital loss on your personal contribution. 為替の変動により出資額が増減しますので損失が発生することがあります。

Note: throughout the investment period, the value of your investment will vary according to exchange rate fluctuations between the Euro and your currency. 注:出資期間中、出資額はユーロと自国通貨間の為替変動の影響を受けます。

If you hold shares directly, you will be paid dividends directly. They will be re-invested in the Saint-Gobain PEG Monde CMF if you subscribed via the CMF, thus increasing the number of CMF shares you own. 株を直接保有する場合は直接配当金が支払われます。CMFで申し込むと、the Saint-Gobain PEG Monde CMFに再投資することになり、あなたが保有するCMF Sharesが増えることになります。


All personnel of Saint-Gobain and its subsidiaries サンゴバン及び子会社の従業員です。

  • in the companies proposing the PEG, PEGを提案される会社で、
  • with a permanent or fixed term employment contract, 無期契約若しくは有期契約社員で、
  • with at least 3 months’ total seniority at the date of the end of subscription. 申し込み最終日時点で3ヵ月以上在籍がある方です。

Retired employees (only in countries where this is permitted by local regulations) 退職者(ローカルの法律で認められる場合)

  • having kept at least one CMF share or one PEG share since the end of their employment contract, 退職時点でCMF share若しくはPEG shareを保持しており、
  • the company for the period of activity must be a member of the PEG and be part of the Saint-Gobain Group. 在籍時サンゴバンのグループ会社でPEGのメンバーであった方です。

Retired employees only benefit from the discount and no other advantages (employer contribution, cash advance, etc.) Employees having left the Group before the start of the subscription period may not make further payments to the PEG.



Eligible people 対象者 Ineligible people 非対象者
Fixed term contract ≥ 3 months’ seniority 勤続3か月以上の有期契約従業員 All employees < 3 months’ seniority 勤続3か月未満の従業員
Permanent contract ≥ 3 months’ seniority 勤続3か月以上の無期契約従業員 Interns インターンシップ
  Temporary staff 派遣社員
Retired employees with at least one CMF share CMF Share 保有している退職者 VIE
US Persons

You can pay your subscription in cash, in which case, you should contact your PEG representative to find out more about payment conditions. 現金で支払うことが可能です。

Depending on your country and local legislation, other means of payment (notably instalments deducted from wages) may be proposed. 各国やローカルの法律により支払い方法は提案されます。

Your subscription may not exceed 25% of your gross annual remuneration for the year of subscription. 年収の25%を超えて申し込むことはできません。

The gross annual remuneration used to calculate the amount that you may pay under this offer is your fixed annual salary, all variable elements and any bonuses that you may be paid during the current year. 今年度の給与、賞与、諸々の手当を含んだ年収を使用して計算されます。

For retired employees (in the countries where retired employees may subscribe), it is calculated on the basis of annual pension payments, 年金受給者は年金額を基準に計算されます。※退職者は日本では対象外です

The legal responsibility for respect of the 25% limit is incumbent on the subscriber. 25%の上限規制の責任は申込者に課せられます。

The monthly deduction from wages may not exceed 10% of your net monthly remuneration. 月額給与(ネット)の10%を超えて給与控除することは出来ません。

Contact your PEG representative (link to contacts) PEG representativeにコンタクトしてください

The PEG representative (with the possibility of delegation) will be approved at the collection site; he/she can regenerate and send out access codes. PEG representativeは Collection siteで承認されます。再発行されアクセスコードが送られます。


Some events, defined by regulations, enable early redemption of your assets. 法律により決まっております。

Redemption is not automatic: 自動的に償還されません。

With a few exceptions, a single event can only result in a single early payment, concerning all or some of the rights eligible for early redemption, at your choice. 一括償還の例外を除き、一部償還も選択可能です。

Only the assets on your account on the date of the operative event can be redeemed early, except in the case of death and assignment of the holder’s employment contract. 


Early redemption cases for your country are listed in the legal document concerning the PEG in your country. 早期償還できるケースは関連書類に列記されております。

During the five-year lock-up period, your shares will be held in an account opened in your name at BNP Paribas Securities Services, a French bank. BNP will contact you to provide your login credentials and instructions on how to use the system.


Via Internet: To access your employee savings account and news on the company savings:


This site enables secure consultation and on-line management of your account. You can place orders on your available assets. サイト上で参照やオンラインマネージメントができます。申し込みすることも可能です。

It also allows you to send a message to Amundi using secure messaging. 

You will receive, either electronically (for e-service subscribers) or by post: 電子若しくは郵送のどちらで受け取れます。

  • An operation notification after any purchase request, 購入リクエストの都度、取引通知書が送られます

Remember to update your personal contact details within the BNP system: ウエブサイトで連絡先を登録・更新することを忘れずに行ってください。

If the member dies, his/her heirs cannot continue to hold the account of the deceased. 相続人は引き続き保有することは出来ません。

Link to the “Contacts” page.


This depends on how your Saint-Gobain shares are held. If you subscribed directly, then yes, you can exercise your voting right directly at the General Meeting. 株式をどのように取得したかによります。直接購入した場合は、株主総会で直接的な議決権を行使出来ます。

If you subscribed via the “Saint-Gobain PEG Monde” CMF, the CMF Supervisory Board will appoint a representative to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares held by the CMF at Saint-Gobain General Meetings. “Saint-Gobain PEG Monde” CMFを通じて購入した場合には、CMF 監査委員会が代表者を指名し、CMFが保持する株式の議決権を株主総会で行使します。

To following the Group on the stock market, you can download the Saint-Gobain Shareholder application. Saint-Gobain Shareholder applicationをダウンロードできます。

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