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A message from the Group’s CEO



















Dear colleagues,

In a turbulent macroeconomic environment, Saint-Gobain remains on course and continues to demonstrate strong resilience. Our success in rising to challenges bears witness to the commitment of our teams, the strength of our leadership in sustainable construction and the solidity of our strategy, focused on developing innovative solutions with a positive impact, and underpinned by a dynamic policy of innovation and investment for growth. 2023 was another successful year for our Group in both financial and extra-financial terms. Once again, let me congratulate you and thank you for that!

The 37th Group Savings Plan (PEG) gives you the opportunity to take a stake in our success as a Group shareholder. The sign-up period is from March 11 to March 25, 2024. You will find details of the offer in the documents available on this site.

In 2023, more than 50,000 of you took up this opportunity. Together, Group employees now hold around 9% of our capital and are collectively the largest shareholder. They thus play an essential role in achieving our long-term strategic goals. 

This year, the PEG is on offer in 53 countries. With a 20% discount on the reference price, you can acquire Saint-Gobain shares under favorable conditions, directly or via an Employee Shareholding Fund. You can thus contribute to the Group’s direction through the Director who represents you on the Board and by exercising your voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.

Thank you in advance for the trust that still more of you will be placing in our Group this year, 

Kind regards,

Benoit Bazin 
Chief Executive Officer of Saint-Gobain Group

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